Sunday, October 30, 2011

Project 3: C4T #3

For my first week, I read the post "Ordinary People" on the blog SpeEdChange, by Ira David Socol. In this post, he argues that heroes are not simply figure-heads who have super human skills; he says that we all have the potential to be heroes if we simply tap into it. As teachers, we should use our skills to make a change in the world. Interestingly enough, as I commented, we all look up to those that we consider heroes (such as the Founding Fathers), but we do not aspire to be like them. Why? We are scared. We do not think we're good enough. We do not think we can do it. I could give a plethora of other reasons, but you get it. We must step up and use our talents for good.

In his second post I read, Class War at the New York Times, Socol condemns the New York Times for its condemnation of technology in the schools. Apparently, the New York Times has been giving very prominent coverage to articles which decry technology in the schools by sharing lies and propaganda. Socol rightfully finds this unexcusable. Socol further says that he does not feel the Times are against technology in school, but simply technology in the hands of children who are not as well off as others. They do not want to level the playing field.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Isaac,

    It seems like you had some interesting posts to read and comment on. Just remember to include a picture in your C4T posts. Nice work.
